Camerata Lírica de España
Sacred Music
The Stabat Mater is a beautiful and moving liturgical poem alluding to the human suffering of the Virgin at the foot of the cross examined as your child dies. It was composed by Rossini after 25 years of inactivity.
The entry into old age, ill health and possibly the memory of their "sins"of youth led him to seek solace and forgiveness for his soul by the composition of this great and extraordinary work of sacred.
No more appropriate composer Franck Joseph Haydn (1737-1806), to perform a sacred work of the special characteristics of a Stabat Mater, as he was a fervent Catholic who typically began the manuscripts of works by the phrase "in nomine Domini-(on behalf of God) and ended with "Laus Deo-(glory to God.) Haydn is considered one of the three representatives of classical music with Mozart, who was a friend and ardent supporter and Beethoven, who was his student. Haydn influence them and was instrumental in the evolution of classical music as we know it today. In the score of his Stabat Mater, the composer seems to embody all his religious sensibility that expresses the tragedy and suffering experienced by the Virgin at the foot of the cross while attending to the agony of his son, thus becoming the paradigm of Universal Mother suffered for all mankind. The score is of immense beauty that remains, always within the tragedy, a great expressiveness but always with a spirit of calm and content that helps to give the work a special mystique. sacra.
Stabat Mater Op 61, Luigi Boccherini, an hour and performed by special training, a tenor, a soprano, a mezzo-soprano and string sextet.
A work composed in 1781 and subsequently revised in 1801, when the author introduces the voices of a tenor and a mezzo-soprano to the original composition.
A groundbreaking work in his time, that structure the full text of the poem in eleven movements to create this work of great beauty. A prayer that meditates on the suffering of Mary during the crucifixion.
Luigi Boccherini, from a musical family and was born in Italy, was naturalized Spanish and was in Spain where he composed many of his works, including the Stabat Mater Op.61.