Camerata Lírica de España
Master Class

In the current world of opera increased specialization among singers and a wider range of superior schools of music and conservatories around the world, have made access to a higher technical level easier than ever before. Thus, vocal singers, who must audition and compete for a role in a production, are obliged to offer some aggregated value.
The artist must possess not only a good tool -his/her voice- and a great technique to input value. It is essential for today's singer to make an individual, personal creation of the character he/she must interpret in order to make it into something scenically and psychologically unique; something agents and public alike demand. It means not only knowing how to theatrically shaping the character, but also understanding its philosophy and emotions and expressing them with a vocal instrument through an exciting singing expressiveness.
This course aims to help students perfect their singing skills improve their professional projection in the fields of opera, zarzuela and lied, through collective and individual work focused on interpretation of musical works.
The workshop: This is an eminently practical workshop. Students will work over a selection of works from Opera, Zarzuela, a repertoire of Spanish Lyrical Song and Lied, both in an individual and collective manner.
Students must provide the musical works they wish to perfect and bring them learnt, in order for the workshop to flow and make the most of the time. It is therefore advisable that students start preparing sometime ahead.
Only 12 active students -those working directly with Professor Rodolfo Albero- will be admitted. A selection audition will be held on the first day of class in case aspirants exceed that number. Auditor students will be accepted to the full capacity of the room. As a closure for workshop, the students will offer a recital of the works they have studied over the course, at a venue provided
by the University or Music School.
Professor Rodolfo Albero will extend a signed Certificate to those students who achieve the objectives crediting their performance during the workshop.
The workshop is designed to observe and supervise the student's behaviour and progression towards the final recital.
Offering the student practical tools to perfect their singing skills through individual and collective interpretation of musical works in the fields of opera, operetta, zarzuela and lied.
Aimed to:
Vocal singing students who wish to perfect their skills.
1. Intensive One Week Program (42 hours):
Monday to Saturday. Seven hours of daily work evenly divided among active students.
Sunday: Closure concert:
2. Extensive Two Weeks Program (70 hours):
1st week
Monday to Friday. Seven hours of daily work evenly divided among active students.
2nd week Monday to Friday. Seven hours of daily work evenly divided among active students.
Saturday or Sunday (depending on venue's disposal): Closure concert.
Lyrical Workshop Master Class Carlos III University
To arrange an audition please send e-mail to