Camerata Lírica de España
Great Performances
Current Story for three classics of operaThis innovative multidisciplinary great format show is a present-time recreation of Orpheus classical myth combining theater, cinema and painting with traditional operatic and orchestral work, which staging demands both vocal virtuosity as well as acting skills.Few Greco-Latin myths are as powerful and interesting as that of the Thracian singer Orpehus, son of Apollo and Poetry Muse Calliope, whose singing could even move the Gods. In this stage proposal, Orpheus is presented as a mysterious character, distressed and anxious, with no clue whatsoever about his own identity or whereabouts, and whose only way to communicate is through singing.Throughout the days of his clinical internment, while he is trying to recover his true identity, this enigmatic man only sings certain pieces, always from musical versions of the Orpheus’s myth: The four-hundred-year-old L’Orfeo, from Claudio Monteverdi (Mantua, 1607);The no less delightful 18th Century’s Orfeo ed Eurídice, written by Ch. W. Gluck (Viena, 1762; rev., París, 1774);And last but not least, the ironic 19th Century version written by J. Offenbach, Orphée aux enfers (París, 1858, rev. 1874
Carmina Burana
Camerata Lírica de España offers a magna and innovative version of Carmina Burana with a huge screen projecting images related to the content and messages from composer as well as the strange manuscripts of this Goliardic, satiric cantata, with all the factual untouchable powers of the time. More than 70 musicians in the orchestra, two pianos, and eminent soloists all accompanied by a great Chorus, make possible this Carmina Burana, always a public’s favorite due to its magnificence and expressiveness. Countless movies, ballets, rock versions, musicals and advertising media have adapted Carmina Burana’s music.
EnCanto , the latest of a series of successful shows produced and staged by Camerata Lírica de España, is a groundbreaking show fusing the charm and romanticism of Spanish traditional lyric song with the braveness and strength of flamenco singing and dancing. Palms, castanets, Flamenco box-drum, and Flamenco guitar, melt with the sound of piano, cello, flute, and classic Spanish guitar, while the voices of cantaores (male and female Flamenco singers) mix with those of renowned Tenor Rodolfo Albero and his Soprano counterpart